Introducing Fast Markets to Live Tennis

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Think fast, win fast with our new Fast Markets Feature!

Live betting has never been more exciting! Introducing our newest feature to all ATP live tennis tournaments, Fast Markets, which adds a new thrill to the match by betting on a point by point basis, making you live the live game minute by minute!

By placing your bets using Fast Markets, your bets are settled right there and then. Since you would be betting on the live event, you can place a new bet every couple of seconds! The results are immediate, and the game becomes more exciting as you await to see what the next move will be!

Fast Markets allows you to place your bet on whether you think a specific event will happen in the next minute or 5 minutes, giving you the potential to win on every min of your favourite live tennis games. 

Using this new feature is simple. Here’s how it works:

With this feature, you can bet on a point by point basis in a match with incredible odds. You can choose which player you think will win the next game, who will win the next point, whether the score of deuce will be reached and so much more.

Ready to make the most out of live betting?